Tax Exemptions Certificate

Issuing Certificates to Amateur Artists to Get Exemptions From Entertainment Tax

The Art Council of Sri Lanka acts as the authority for issuing certificate for the consideration of the exemption of entertainment taxes, according to the Act of Entertainment (amended), 1984, No 37 when the performers in an entertainment are all amateurs. Certificate will be offered afterward assessing information and afterwards the entertainment taxes will be deducted by the respective Municipal Councils and from the Divisional Councils.
Documents to be submitted:

(A) A letter from the Producer should be attached if the applicant is not the producer
(B) Annex copies of advertisements published
(C) If required, the items to be presented should be submitted in writing
(D) Public Performance Board certificate
(E) Application should be submitted at least 10 days before the event
(F) Two tickets for the entertainment to be given to the Sri Lanka Arts Council


Document Charge : Rs. 500/=


Download the Sinhala Application from here

Download the English application from here



Instruction for Apply online – English  

Instruction for Apply online – Sinhala